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Warriors of the Week: October 21-25, 2019

Mazal tov to our Elementary School Warriors of the Week! These students have been chosen because of how ready, respectful, and responsible they have been in and outside of the classroom.

The Warriors of the Week are:

Elnatan Weinberger (Kindergarten)
Ilan Weiss (Kindergarten)
Sami Sragowicz (First Grade)
Benjamin Van Dam (First Grade)
Henry Shwirtz (Second Grade)
Ella Waserstein (Third Grade)
Noa Dahabash (Third Grade)
Esti Jaimovich (Fourth Grade)
Aaron Touboul (Fourth Grade)
Sara Musheyev (Fifth Grade)
Rivka Gilinski (Fifth Grade)

The Teacher Warrior of the Week is:

Elena Holand

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