Tampa Catholic High School

A Warrior Establishes a Solid Foundation

The Hebrew Academy Miriam Stern Rosenblatt Elementary School cares deeply about our entire learning community. We pride ourselves on having a talented faculty who are lifelong learners and who are constantly growing, learning, and improving their craft through ongoing professional development. Our elementary program is recognized for its rigorous Judaic and General Studies curriculum.

Our Judaic curriculum includes learning about Torah, Shabbat, the chaggim, and our Jewish homeland, Israel. Speaking, writing, singing, and reading in Hebrew are an integral part of this program. Our students study from text with teacher direction as well as peer to peer collaboration. Our staff enhances the learning by incorporating technology like Google Voice, Ji Tap and Class Dojo. Kitah Aleph and Bet are working on their Ivrit with the Tal Am and ITal Am programs. These Hebrew immersion programs will be building a strong Ivrit foundation for our early elementary grade students. In grades 3-5, our Ivrit classes are leveled with all children working on their level on books and magazines in an outstanding program.

In our General Studies department we infuse technology and 21st Century skills in meaningful ways. The IReady Diagnostic pinpoints the skill level of students in the areas of reading and math. In this way, we can individualize instruction and provide personalized learning plans with specific goals and targets for every student. Our school utilizes Go Math for Grades K-4, and Math Connects in Grades 5. The Grade 5 program is aligned with our Middle School to provide a seamless transition for students from the Elementary to the Middle School. Our students are becoming informed citizens of the world with our daily, online news platform, News O Matic. 

Our school is moving full STEAM ahead with our comprehensive STEAM program. We are a participating school in “STEAM and Chagim” where we share ideas with other Jewish schools integrating Judaic Studies learning and STEAM projects. Sukkah building, a Dreidel contest, and a Purim Carnival are three such activities. Our partnership with CIJE, Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education, has brought us many unique opportunities to integrate STEAM into our General Studies curriculum. We have also included the EIE curriculum in our division. EIE- Engineering is Elementary is a cutting edge engineering curriculum that correlates with our Active Science units. Girls Who Code is an after school club for upper elementary girls who are interested in learning more about coding. All About Bots, an interactive STEM assembly, gave students a glimpse into the world of robots from a unique perspective.

Our Physical Education, Music, Media Center, and Art Departments work with our Judaic and General Studies faculty to coordinate meaningful and fun experiences for our children that brings enrichment to topics addressed in the General and Judaic classrooms.

Proper social emotional development is fostered through our PBIS inspired school wide Project Gevurah program. Our overall theme is KINDNESS. Studies have shown that being kind and compassionate has benefits for the recipient and the giver alike. Our school-wide kindness undertaking began with The Kindness Adventure Program. This program included an assembly where children in Africa shared with our Hebrew Academy students their need for clean water as well as how they are kind in their community. Our students enjoyed this experience and helped to sponsor another school’s ability to participate in the program as well. It was truly a “ pay it forward” experience. We had a Kindness Week with Say Hello Day, Secret Agent Kindness Day, Mix it Up at Lunch Day, Compliments Day and an interage activity where students made kindness bracelets. Fostering kindness and inclusion are important life skills that we cherish in our school and continue to practice.

On November 8, Cheshvan 30, we celebrated the first Annual TZAHAL DAY, Yom Tzahal. The entire elementary school was immersed in learning about our precious IDF. We honored many of our staff who proudly served in the IDF.

The elementary program is constantly evolving and the warmth and enthusiasm of our dynamic community of staff, faculty, students, and parents is palpable. We are proud to provide amazing environment for our young Warrior to build upon.

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