Tampa Catholic High School

Social Emotional Learning continues beyond the elementary years through programming developed and administered by our middle and high school psychologist. The program merges middot with character traits as a guide to teach our students how to live a life with Jewish values. Kindness (chesed), gratitude, self-control and grit are just a few of the areas that this thoughtfully designed program addresses. Important content such as bullying and relational aggression, academic integrity, mindfulness, and digital citizenship are discussed in a manner that is effective and relevant to tweens and teenagers in today's world.

Three girls are sitting at a table with plates of food

Our school psychologists are responsible for a variety of different roles within the elementary, middle and high school divisions including: supportive school counseling, behavioral planning and support, crisis counseling and intervention, social emotional instruction, and parent and teacher consultation. They also collaborate to bring school wide programming and workshops to students and parents. Within each division, the school psychologists attend and actively participate in student need meetings and provide appropriate follow-up and services based on team recommendations. 

A group of children standing next to a mascot with a blue shield with a star on it

Project Gevurah
Mitzvot and Middot are a crucial component of our program as we integrate these values in every aspect of our curriculum and student life at every age.

Project Gevruah was developed by our elementary school psychologist and faculty as a means of developing positive behavior, encouraging acts of kindness, and providing bullying prevention. Developed from the nationally recognized Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Project Gevruah is imbued with aspects from the Torah and reinforces students for making good choices.

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