Tampa Catholic High School

Our students are infused with Jewish values from day one.

Whether it’s daily Tefillot during morning circle time in Early Childhood, singing at Chagigot and Shabbat Assemblies, the First Grade receiving their first siddurim, or the Lower School engineering their own apple trees during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish Calendar informs everything that we experience at Hebrew Academy. Morning Mifkad assemblies, learning Ivrit, and studying about Israeli history and culture provides access to our rich tradition, and connects all Jews to Medinat Israel. We help students develop a personal connection to Hashem, and the Jewish people, through the study of Torah, tefilah, our history, and teaching the halachot and traditions that elevate everyday life. Faculty and staff continually model behavior and emphasize the importance of chesed and derech eretz, and teach the significance of tzedakah, and tikkun olam. Every aspect of our curriculum and our mission are developed with the understanding that the Torah is our guiding light.

Jewish Life at Hebrew Academy extends to the everyday as well. Jewish values are taught in all subjects, from our school-wide chesed campaign, incorporating STEAM with chaggim, to learning Jewish songs with Moreh Shlomik during music class.

As a Modern Orthodox, Dati Tzioni Jewish day school, Hebrew Academy is committed to the observance of Halachah. Our policies on kashrut, modest dress, derech eretz, and other Jewish values are meant to ensure that every student feels comfortable and welcome whether it be on campus or at communal functions such as birthday parties, and Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations. We hope that this atmosphere of respect will help students perform mitzvot, and deepen their relationship with Hashem. Therefore, Hebrew Academy families, regardless of personal practices, are expected to abide by these standards on campus or when planning events involving the Hebrew Academy community.

At Hebrew Academy, hands-on Jewish holiday learning creates lifelong Jewish memories. Our students proudly wave the lulav and etrog during Sukkot; they learn to read the megillah, make their own graggers, and enjoy a Purim carnival; they study the haggadah during Pesach, participate in a mock seder with their classmates, and go home to help lead their own seders; they respectfully observe Yom Hazikaron, and joyously celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut. In the weeks leading up to a holiday, our hallways blossom with artwork and decorations, and resound with festive music. Our Early Childhood students learn holiday mitzvot and traditions, and our older students study sources from the Torah, Mishnah and Talmud to provide a deeper understanding of the chaggim.

Annual traditions such as the Kindergarten Brachot Fair, the First Grade Siddur Presentation, and the Second Grade Chumash Play, evoke cherished memories long after the celebration ends, and begins to establish the deep sense of connection to their Jewish identity that is core to every Hebrew Academy graduate. This is evidenced by the vast number of our graduates who annually attend a gap year in Israel before beginning their college journey.

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