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Middle School Students Create Tsunami Dioramas for Science Friday

This year, we introduced  "Science Friday" to Middle School students, a weekly discussion of scientific global events with the goal of helping shape their perspectives about current issues. So far, we have discussed the environmental impact of man-made fires in the Amazon Forest, the importance of demonstrating Jewish values of Tikkun Olam and Tzedakkah by showing empathy to the victims of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, the three causes of tsunamis and showcasing their knowledge of the topic by creating a 3D diorama, and finally the environmental affects that Hydrolic Fracturing can have on Florida's Aquifers if such practice were to occur in our state. The images you see are illustrating some of the Dioramas that were made where the student chose either an underwater earthquake, volcano or landslide to illustrate the cause, as well as the tsunami wave approaching the shore. 


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