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Grade 10 TEDTalks

This past week, history students in the 10th grade participated in the annual Hebrew Academy TEDTalks and presented on topics related to the human experience. Students have diligently worked over the past weeks to research, revise, and memorize their talks under the expert tutelage of the History and English teachers. To a full house, the presenters shared their knowledge on a variety of topics ranging from the psychology of learning, to the importance of self-expression and creativity in the arts, to the significance of Judaic values in our everyday lives. For many students, this was one of the first times they had spoken formally to such a large audience and it has served as an excellent opportunity to prepare them for a future in public speaking. The History and English Departments would like to extend a special thanks to our Administrators, as well as the Maintenance and IT staff for their ongoing support behind the scenes. It is only with their help that we are able to create such meaningful activities in our schools.

Grade 10 TEDTalks
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