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Warriors of the Week: September 23-27, 2019

Mazal tov to our Elementary School Warriors of the Week! These students have been chosen because they are ready, respectful, and responsible they have been in and out of the classroom.

The Warriors of the Week are:

Kol Kunis (Kindergarten)
Abigail Bales (Kindergarten)
Racheli Dominitz (First Grade)
Michaelnorman Baron (First Grade)
Almog Levy (Second Grade)
Lazar Gilinski (Second Grade)
Moshe Bossewitch (Third Grade)
Liam Israel (Third Grade)
Victoria Saffar (Fourth Grade)
David Feldman (Fourth Grade)
Melina Rosencovich (Fifth Grade)
Rachel Groisman (Fifth Grade)
Liam Eliani (Third Grade)
Shira Budwick (Fifth Grade)
Liora Herssein (Fourth Grade)

And introducing our Faculty Warriors of the Week:

Diana Kurtzer
Norma Reiz

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