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Kindergarten & 2nd Grade take their learning to new heights!!!

Kindergarten and 2nd Grade completed their learning on Force and Motion with a Rocket Launching Egg-stravaganza! Dylan (K) and Jaiden (2nd) thought of an amazing end of unit activity and enlisted the help of a VIP, their dad Joshua.  The Strickon trio enhanced our learning by teaching us about rockets! They built fabulous rockets and brought them to school to take our learning to new heights.  One of the rockets was called "Eggs Caliber" and it was launched with a real egg inside, it also landed with the egg still intact. They also built two air rockets that their classmates were able to launch by jumping on a pad. To make things even more exciting, they conjured up a cool contest, whoever had the air rocket go highest would be able to launch the first rocket. It was very exciting, students competed two at a time, with the winner of each round going back in line to try again until there was only one remaining person. David Pinhasov (K)  showed us that he knew how to use the right amount of force and launched his rocket the very highest. We are grateful to the Strickon boys for all of their hard work in organizing this unforgettable learning activity!

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